Valencia Basket suffers to win on the Bàsquet Girona’s court (75-79)


Valencia Basket won again away from home in the Endesa League beating Bàsquet Girona at Fontajau by 75-79 in a game in which the Taronja squad soon obtained a large advantage thanks to their accuracy in the 3-point shooting that kept the entire first half, but in which after the half-time the rise in intensity of the Catalan team collapsed their attack until allowing them to tie the game at the start of the last quarter. At the worst moment, Claver (14 points, 4 rebounds and 2 blocks for 19 PIR) and Xabi López-Arostegui (16 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists for 22 PIR) appeared to achieve a 2-14 run that returned to stretch the advantage, although the local intensity did not allow Valencia Basket to close the game until the end.