Farewell Merritt Hempe


Valencia Basket wants to thank Merritt Hempe for his effort and professionalism during the period in which she has played with the taronja jersey, a stage that now finishes after ending his contract with the Club.


The North American arrived at Valencia Basket this season to help achieve the Club's objectives, which have been met, obtaining a historic triplet with the LF Endesa Super Cup in Las Palmas, the Copa de la Reina de Huelva and the LF Endesa title. Since she landed, the center has played a total of 55 games, divided into 36 for LF Endesa, 3 in the Cup, 2 in the Super Cup and 14 in the EuroLeague Women, with an average of more than 7 points per game and assuming different roles depending on the needs of the team at all times.


Valencia Basket wants to wish her the best of luck in her next professional challenges and remind her that she will always be part of the Taronja Family and one of the Champions of the first Triplet in the history of the women's team. Thanks for everything, Merritt!