Post-game statements: Jaume Ponsarnau


We have played a very tough game, against an opponent who is very tough, who attacks hard, who defends hard. They have made a bet to break our dynamic of the game, which is defending changes from very early on. When we have had time to work out the attacks I think we have done quite well, but when we have not we really had difficulties. And these difficulties have conditioned us a lot not only in the scoring but also in the sensations. The feeling is that we weren't playing well, in the end we depended on scoring in ways we are not used to. In their approach they have been successful. We have been lucky in defense, I think our defense has been good, it has been faithful to our philosophy, we have had activity and intensity. But the game, unfortunately for our interests, we have had to cling to individualities, and that is not our philosophy. In other circumstances I would say that the victory was a joy, but today I cannot say it because we had the injury of Joan Sastre, which does not look good